Teacher & Speaker

“For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.”

Hebrews 4:2 (KJV)

Laura’s Speaking Ministry

Many of us know what the Bible says, but we are still living in bondage to fear, jealousy, anger, and more. We know what to do, but we can’t seem to do it. We know what the Bible promises, but we can’t seem to trust it enough to experience transformation.

Where’s the disconnect?

This is the question that gets me out of bed in the morning. The gap between the abundant life Christ came to give us and the disappointed one we too often exist in, needs to shrink. Helping women move from knowing about God’s love, goodness, and faithfulness to tasting, experiencing, and really living out of it, is something only the Spirit can do. However, as Christ helps me believe and experience Him more deeply, I’m grateful to share what I’m learning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Develop a Talk Around Our Topic?

Yes, I love working with teams as they develop their theme and topic for their event. I have taught on many different topics at outreach events, women’s retreats, Mother’s Day services, high school chapels, inner-city ministries, and more so let’s talk! 

What is Your Teaching Style?

A typical session includes teaching on a passage of Scripture using thorough exegesis, relatable illustrations, and practical applications. This includes helping women learn more about how to pray, read their Bible, and be open to the Holy Spirit themselves. For outreach events I am sensitive to women who have been hurt by the church or disappointed and confused by faith and therefore teach the Bible with those caveats in mind. The comments I hear most often are appreciation for my vulnerability, transparency, and sense of humor. 

What Is Your Speaking Fee and Can You Bring Your Book Table?

I do not have a set honorarium since every event varies with its number of attendees, location, sessions/days you’d like me to speak, etc. but we can chat more about that when we get connected.

My book and merchandise table is a great way for me to connect more deeply with the women, and both the attendees and church hosts have loved it! You can request more details on the Connect Page. Thank you!

Laura Sandretti - Speaking to Christian Women

Upcoming Events

What People are Saying…

Lisa Lewis

“Laura was vulnerable, approachable, gospel-centered, biblically grounded, and a gift to our retreat. She saw people and took the time to minister to them personally, as well as through her speaking.”

~ Lisa Lewis
Women’s Director at Village Church, Bartlett, IL

Todd Leyden

“Laura Sandretti is a great speaker. She is very relatable, vulnerable, and uses humor to draw others to Christ. She is a trusted partner of Fort Wilderness Ministries!”

~ Todd Leyden
Executive Director of Fort Wilderness

Stacia Christianson

“We loved having Laura as a speaker for our intergenerational women’s event! She is authentic with relatable stories, and is convicted in her teaching. Laura has a beautiful way of challenging her audience in a comfortable way by pointing them to their identity in Christ. She is a delight to work with; to know her is to love her, and I consider her a new friend.”

~ Stacia Christianson
Women’s Ministry Director, Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, MN

Ethan Hall

“We loved having Laura come minister to our students. She met them in their minds and their hearts with the transforming truths of the gospel.” 

~ Ethan Hall
CRU Staff at Purdue University, West LaFayette, IN

Julie Scheibe

“Whether you are sitting across the table from Laura in a small group or are in the audience while she is preaching, you are able to see her love for Jesus and her strong desire for people to know how much Jesus loves them.”

~ Julie Scheibe
Executive Pastor at Brooklife Church, Mukwonago, WI

Stephanie Cutler

“I have never received such positive feedback about a speaker until Laura. Her messages are relevant, biblical, and delivered beautifully with the right amount of humor tucked in. Laura touches women’s hearts with her vulnerability, openness, and ‘nuggets’ of wisdom we can apply to our lives.”

Stephanie Cutler
Women’s Ministry Director, Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hartland, WI

“Laura was vulnerable, approachable, gospel-centered, biblically grounded, and a gift to our retreat. She saw people and took the time to minister to them personally, as well as through her speaking.”

~ Lisa Lewis
Women’s Director at Village Church, Bartlett, IL

“Laura Sandretti is a great speaker. She is very relatable, vulnerable, and uses humor to draw others to Christ. She is a trusted partner of Fort Wilderness Ministries!”

~ Todd Leyden
Executive Director of Fort Wilderness

“We loved having Laura as a speaker for our intergenerational women’s event! She is authentic with relatable stories, and is convicted in her teaching. Laura has a beautiful way of challenging her audience in a comfortable way by pointing them to their identity in Christ. She is a delight to work with; to know her is to love her, and I consider her a new friend.”

~ Stacia Christianson
Women’s Ministry Director, Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, MN

“We loved having Laura come minister to our students. She met them in their minds and their hearts with the transforming truths of the gospel.” 

~ Ethan Hall
CRU Staff at Purdue University, West LaFayette, IN

“Whether you are sitting across the table from Laura in a small group or are in the audience while she is teaching, you are able to see her love for Jesus and her strong desire for people to know how much Jesus loves them.”

~ Julie Scheibe
Executive Pastor, Brooklife Church, Mukwonago, WI

“I have never received such positive feedback about a speaker until Laura. Her messages are relevant, biblical, and delivered beautifully with the right amount of humor tucked in. Laura touches women’s hearts with her vulnerability, openness, and ‘nuggets’ of wisdom we can apply to our lives.”

~ Stephanie Cutler
Women’s Ministry Director, Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hartland, WI