Something I wanted for 2022 was to read my Bible more slowly. I decided to start reading one verse in Romans 12 and not move on until I’d prayed and sensed God wanted me to. Although I’ve read Romans 12 many times before, spending five days on just the first verse was eye-opening.
As I read, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship,”
I asked God to help me see what He had for me. “Living sacrifices” stood out. I’ve probably read those words a million times, but I’d never questioned what they meant. I recalled, in the few minutes I had that morning, sacrifices in the Old Testament were to be unblemished and if someone couldn’t afford a bull, they could offer
two birds.
As I continued re-reading and asking God about Romans 12:1, I began noticing a repetitive narrative in my brain. Thoughts like feeling responsible for one of my kids’ struggles. A subtle wish that I was a more popular Bible teacher while listening to Tim Keller. A quiet whisper telling me that my mentor would have better insight with the women I’m discipling.
When the Spirit helped me hear these subconscious, “I’m not enough’s,” He also reminded me of pigeons. Two birds, in the form of my mentoring, parenting, or mental abilities, still comprises an offering. They may not be prime veal, but they’re still worship. Slowly pondering Romans 12:1 allowed accusation to be replaced by advocacy, and criticism with compassion.
It’s hard to read and pray about one verse for five days. It’s difficult to feel slow and inefficient. But when marinating in Scripture reminds us of the point of the cross – Christ’s grace and forgiveness in the actualities of our real lives – slowing down becomes a sweet gift and a meaningful treasure.
P.S. I’m doing a series of videos for college-age women on Laura Sandretti Blog on Instagram and Facebook (hence my lack of blogs here lately…oops!). Please connect with me on social media for all my posts and videos. Thank you!