For the past few weeks, I’ve been over-thinking how to fit my entire book table into one suitcase to take to Texas tomorrow. Studying for and mulling over the content of my talks has added another layer of stress. And so has wondering how a homebody and introvert like me will navigate traveling 2500 miles and sleeping in three different beds in six days. Don’t even get me started on my irrational fear of all things related to finding and returning my rental car at the airport.

Years ago, my wise friend Mac taught me to look for a word or phrase that stands out when I’m reading the Bible. I love that because it’s a simple way to remember what I read as I go throughout my day (as opposed to forgetting immediately after I close my Bible). Phrases like, “lead me to the Rock that is higher than I,” “You, O God are strong and that you, O Lord, are loving.” Or even a single word like, “held” or “delivered” have helped me through recent days.

This morning while walking my dog, I was listening to Lectio 365 (an App with short guided prayer and Scripture readings). The second time I listened to Mark 4, the last part of verse 36 jumped out at me: “Leaving the crowd behind, they took Him along,

Just as He was.”

Jesus traveled without a suitcase or carry on. He brought only himself. “Just as He was” affirmed, challenged, and encouraged me. It reminded me not to stress about bringing books or being Tim Keller or Lisa Terkeurst. I can only bring myself, and the Spirit in me.

And that’s all I need.

Why do I read the Bible everyday? To look for a word or phrase that reminds me how Christ matters in my daily distractions and difficulties. Mark 4 reminded me that if I show up in Texas with only the clothes on my back, I will be enough. Just as God made and loves me,

Just as I am.