Sean, Wade, Doug, Renee, Joanna, and Thom.

After praying this morning for friends battling cancer, I went through my list of New Year “Invitations” – things in 2025 to help me experience Christ, and the life He’s purposed for me more richly and intimately. Then I read Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” As God’s Word so often does when I take the time to sit with it long enough, it melded my morning thoughts and prayers together in a profound way.

I realized reading Psalm 90:12 that my New Year’s Invitations (or resolutions, as some people call them) are helping me gain a heart of wisdom. And looking for opportunities in 2025 to live more intentionally and discerningly is not only wise. As the list of friends I’m praying for with cancer and other difficult losses mounts, living more purposefully feels more paramount than ever. I am understanding perhaps like never before that my days are not only numbered,

None of them are guaranteed.

And although that may sound depressing, in God’s economy it feels invitational. Thinking about the brevity of life is a way to number our days aright. My New Year’s Invitations to memorize a monthly Bible verse, be in community more than I’m on social media, and disciple women instead of craving more downtime, are ways I feel God wooing me to experience the abundant life Christ came to give us.

Will I “succeed” at these invitations? Well, I suppose that’s the best part of being invited to number my days rather than resolving to do so. To fail at an invitation isn’t a reflection on me, or my self-discipline and will power. It is rather missing beautiful opportunities from the Lord that are for my benefit. An invitation to experience more of God’s love verses an obligation to change, always feels peace filled and life giving.

And to Sean, Wade, Doug, Renee, Joanna, and Thom – Christ went to the cross to show you His love, and to give you peace and eternal life by believing in His name. You are loved dearly and in our prayers.