I like likes.
I also like comments, subscribers, and views. I’m annoyed that my son’s twenty-one-year-old friend has tens of thousands of followers on social media. Do I want to glorify God in everything, know Christ sees me as worthy and that I serve an audience of One? Yes. But I also still
Like likes.
As I follow Christ, he graciously shows me where he has more for me, more freedom, joy, peace, and contentment. In His love, he’s continuously helping me realize the places, people, and platforms I look to to feel valued, important, and successful. And when God in his love reveals idols and sin in my life, I get to repent.
Repentance isn’t sexy.
It doesn’t garner attention, praise, or likes. I used to think of repentance as a four-letter-word. If I had something to repent of, I thought I’d disappointed God and messed up. However, over the last several years, I’ve come to feel and believe (not just know in my head) that when the Holy Spirit shows me my anger, vanity, annoyance with people when I’m running late, and love of likes, He’s doing so because
He’s crazy about me.
He’s wildly, madly, ridiculously, and unconditionally in love with me. Calvary turned repentance upside down. It caused sorrow, shame, and regret to have to no power, say, or victory in the lives of those who love and believe in Jesus. Repentance became an opportunity to see a loving Friend simply reminding us He has more for us.
Repentance is, in fact, a four-letter word. A four-letter word that encapsulates the cross and gives Christ-followers “more.” A four-letter word that not only makes repentance beautiful but defines it;
Love that reminds me repentance isn’t bad and neither am I. Love that’s constant, unwavering, and deeply satisfying. Love that helps me care less about likes by constantly reminding me of His forgiveness and unconditional love.
P.S. I’ve shortened my posts to make them more accessible on social media (so sometimes to forget to repost them here!). If you don’t already follow my blog page on Instagram and/or Facebook, please do so if you want to ensure you don’t miss a post (links can be found on the bottom of my home page!)!