by Laura Sandretti | May 23, 2024 | Faith in the Everyday
In the past few weeks, I’ve done almost nothing “spiritual.” When I have, I’ve not gotten much out of reading my Bible, praying, and journaling. Living between two houses, some ongoing relational strife, and other major life transitions for our family have not only...
by Laura Sandretti | Apr 4, 2024 | Faith in the Everyday
Lent was a bust this year. I tried giving up sweets, but it didn’t take (see my previous post for details). I tried spending more time with God using the Lectio 365 app but was inconsistent with that, as well. However, while lamenting about how I’d missed Lent...
by Laura Sandretti | Jul 21, 2023 | Faith in the Everyday
Dear Non-Star-Athlete, Not-in-Seven-Clubs, Not-a-4-Year-Varsity-Letter-Winner, Didn’t Get a Scholarship, Not-Going-to-a-Prestigious-University, Didn’t-Get-a-36-ACT, Non-tassel-wearing Students, What I want to tell you may not be received well since I’m old and it’s...
by Laura Sandretti | Nov 4, 2022 | Faith in the Everyday
“And you don’t work, right Laura?” Someone asked me this immediately after talking with my husband about his job. Chris is the vice-president of supply chain for the U.S. division of a large global company. His work impacts lots of people, things, and money. The only...
by Laura Sandretti | Sep 24, 2021 | Faith in the Everyday, Obedience
I like likes. I also like comments, subscribers, and views. I’m annoyed that my son’s twenty-one-year-old friend has tens of thousands of followers on social media. Do I want to glorify God in everything, know Christ sees me as worthy and that I serve an...
by Laura Sandretti | Aug 27, 2021 | Faith in the Everyday
“I’m trying to understand your fears.” Though we’ve been married for twenty-nine years, I’m often an enigma to my husband. When we drove around the death-defying switchbacks in Zion National Park recently, I begged Chris to drive slower (he told me if slowed down...