Distress in My (Empty) Nest

Distress in My (Empty) Nest

Becoming an empty nester last year wreaked havoc on my life and marriage. When our kids left, it exposed some emotional insecurities that the busyness of raising children distracted me from. Once those fears and inadequacies began to surface however, I looked to my...
Mourning with Gratitude

Mourning with Gratitude

Last week my uncle passed away. He was the oldest of my dad’s seven siblings, graduated from Yale, and was a research and development engineer. He spoke Chinese and Japanese fluently. He was also a gifted musician. But at his funeral yesterday, none of those amazing...
Why I’m Afraid So Often

Why I’m Afraid So Often

“Fear arises when we imagine everything depends on us.” Elisabeth Elliot This quote has been haunting me lately. Whenever I notice anxiety nagging my heart and mind this quote has convicted me. Why? I imagine almost everything depends on me… The safety, health, and...
A Painful Season

A Painful Season

The past year has been rough. In that time I’ve cried out to God with ugly sobs. Sometimes I was enraged that specific and (what I thought were) God honoring requests – went completely sideways. Some days I asked if He was punishing or teaching me. Other times I...
Jealous of My Husband’s Co-Worker

Jealous of My Husband’s Co-Worker

Although the heartbeat of my ministry is to remind women that Jesus gives us our identity so it isn’t defined by how we look or what we do – I care a lot about both. Last week, after listening to amazing an sermon on identity however, I felt empowered and confident....